Ground Flow
This is a concept for strengthening your interaction with the ground and ultimately any surface available. The key idea here is to use your environment to enhance your motion. Learning how to take advantage of every surface around you and use it to enrich your motion is essential for the movement flow practice.
Body Balance
We will train your body to adapt and endure in every circumstance. We are not gonna lie. You will work hard here but with the privilege of having one-on-one attention from us, continuous support, and devotion. You will feel safe and supported. Soft Acrobatic We will train your body to adapt and endure in every circumstance. We are not gonna lie. You will work hard here but with the privilege of having one-on-one attention from us, continuous support, and devotion. You will feel safe and supported.
Mind Control
The mind is an incredibly powerful tool and many times it’s what holds us back in our movement practice. Together we will challenge ourselves and increase the endurance of our minds to begin to experience what we are truly capable of.
Dynamic Flexibility
In our next section, we are offering our gifts related to stretching and the range of motion. We dive deep into subjects such as muscle anatomy, loaded stretching, power vs limit, active exits, and more!
Exit Strategies
Using a variety of games and techniques, we will teach you how to rewire your nervous system so that you become vigilant and adequately responsive to your environment. Nothing in the world would be able to stop your flow!